Our Company Policy encompasses the three main aspects of environmentally responsible behaviour pertinent to a cleaning company of our market leading position, namely products, services and management.

We will regularly evaluate the environmental impact of our activities, products and services and we will act to continually improve our environmental performance by implementing an Environmental Management System that meets the requirements of ISO 14001.

It is our policy to:

(a) Minimise the use of energy, water and natural resources
(b) Minimise waste through prevention, re-use and recycling where possible
(c) Dispose of waste safely and legally
(d) Avoid the use of hazardous materials, where practical
(e) Work with environmentally responsible suppliers
(f) Prevent environmental damage and minimise nuisance factors such as noise and air pollution

We will define environmental objectives, targets and improvement actions that are related to this policy and to our significant environmental aspects. We will regularly evaluate progress against these through our ‘Management Review’ process.

We are committed to providing relevant environmental training and promoting environmental awareness to employees and, where appropriate, to suppliers and to communicating our environmental performance.

We will implement processes to prevent environmental nonconformities and to ensure that we are prepared to deal with potential environmental emergencies.

As an Independent Company, we react swiftly to new developments always based on our will to provide the best possible service, encompassing the latest in environmentally responsible actions.

All employees are made aware of this policy and are encouraged to suggest actions we may take in order to extend our contribution to the protection of the environment in which we live.

The Company is committed to protecting the environment of the Earth. The Company is committed to the continual improvement of environmental performance. This Policy will be communicated to all staff, contractors and suppliers, and be available for the public.